Link layer network coding (LLNC) promises to provide high throughput in relay networks through combining packets\nat the relays and trading communication for computation. The emerging area of physical layer network coding (PLNC)\nexploits the electromagnetic nature of signals and eliminates the need for addition at the packet level, while making\nsignal design and coding schemes adaptable to the channel conditions. Although network coding has been\nextensively studied recently, physical layer network coding has not received the attention it deserves. Several recent\nworks introduced the pollution attack at the network layer; however, the network performance at the physical layer\nwith pollution attacks has not been evaluated before. The main challenge with the pollution attack involves\npropagation of the corrupted packets in an epidemic manner, which degrades performance of the network. As PLNC\nschemes boost up the network throughput, a thorough study evaluating this superiority to the LLNC scheme in\npresence of an intruder is necessary. The robustness of both schemes towards an attack have been studied in this\narticle.